how do i publish a organization project to github with intellij

I've created a github repository and trying to push my project to it with through intellij. however it's always getting shared to the personal account not the repository that I've created.

My personal account is also located in the repository. Is there a way to tell intellij to share to the repository instead of the personal one?


  • Open GitHub, using "Transfer" under "Settings" for the repository you want to move.. enter the repository name you want to add to your organization. And "New owner's GitHub username" this will be the username of your organization.
  • That's it. This will move the project to your organization.


  • And i do not think you need to make any changes while you checkout/checkin from your IDE. I'm using Intellij and after moving the project to organization.. i was able to make commits to the repository that i moved to the organization using my personal user-name/pwd (and not the organization).

  • 在将您的项目推送到Github之前,调出控制台并输入:

    git remote add origin<your organization>/<your project>.git


    上一篇: git与IntelliJ IDEA:无法从远程存储库读取

    下一篇: 我如何使用intellij将组织项目发布到github