Visual Studio 2013 Team Explorer/Git integration missing files

I've set up Visual Studio 2013 with the native Git integration & BitBucket.

This has worked fine so far, but I noticed that Visual Studio stopped tracking newly created files (created through the IDE, such as simple new .cs files) for upload to BitBucket.

  • Commit/Push for changes from already tracked files still works fine
  • The new files are not showing up in the Excluded Changes or Untracked Files lists
  • The new files are included in the project files (and those are showing the correct changes)
  • The files are definitely not excluded any other way (.gitignore or otherwise).
  • What else may cause the new files to not get tracked anymore?

    I experienced something similar recently but excluding and then re-including the missing files didn't work for me. In VS2013 Premium, I noticed there's a "Untracked Files" section at the bottom of the Changes window. It was simply a matter of right-clicking the files I wanted to include and adding them. Not ideal, indeed, but another work-around.

    I have the same problem as OP:

  • Commit/Push for changes from already tracked files still works fine
  • The new files are not showing up in the Excluded Changes or Untracked Files lists
  • The new files are included in the project files (and those are showing the correct changes)
  • The files are definitely not excluded any other way (.gitignore or otherwise).
  • So, it appears that visual studio somehow thinks these files are tracked, while they're not, as they do not show up under untracked files.

    My workaround

    As I cannot add the untracked files in visual studio, the workaround is to use git bash, and manually do git add for each file that should be added. After that they work fine within visual studio again.

    I hope this is fixed soon... apart from this bug, the git integration seems very nice from the short time I've tried it.

    I had the same problem where I added a .cs file, and VS doesn't recognize it as added, and won't included it in my changes.

    As a workaround, you can open up SourceTree (mad by Atlassian to work with BitBucket), look at the "Unstaged Files" section, and right click > Add the file. VS will immediately pick up the change/add and you can commit via VS.

    Not ideal, as you still can't trust/rely on VS to track your commits.


    上一篇: Visual Studio 2013 git,只有主分支列出

    下一篇: Visual Studio 2013团队资源管理器/ Git集成缺少的文件