checking if inputs in a form are set using nodejs

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do I check if an object has a property in JavaScript? 22 answers

  • To get post data, you need to use body-parser.

    Then you need a route handler for handling the post data.'/', function (req, res, next) {
        // if you set up body parser correctly, all your form data will be accessible in `req.body`
        console.log(req.body) ; 
        const errors = validate(req);
        if(errors.length) {
            // show errors
        // do something with form data.
    function validate(req) {
        const errors  = [];
        if (! req.body.firstName) {
            errors.push('First name is required');
        // do the same for all input fields
        return errors;

    上一篇: typeof undefined。 哪个更快更好?

    下一篇: 检查表单中的输入是否使用nodejs设置