Disable scroll on textarea

I'm trying to make the textarea unscrollable but i'm unable to find a way to get the textarea unscrollable.

I've made a simple example in jsfiddle

Thanks in advance.

Just add in the css file:

textarea {
    resize: none;


<textarea rows="10" cols="45" placeholder="Animatie:" name="description" style="resize: none"></textarea>

Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/p6am6dze/2/


textarea { overflow: hidden; }

Try this:

<textarea rows="10" cols="45" style="overflow:hidden;resize:none;"  placeholder="Animatie:" name="description" ></textarea>

style="overflow:hidden;resize:none;", this will fulfill your requirement hopefully.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/27398.html

上一篇: 悬停时,如何建立链接时戴着戴手套的手形鼠标

下一篇: 在textarea上禁用滚动