Flexbox force new column

I want to achieve this layout below 600px:


And this layout above 600px:


The height of the text and image is variable and unknown.

Flexbox works great for the source reordering but I'm having trouble forcing the new column to work cross browser.

Using page-break-before: always; on the div with the image forces a new column - but this technique only works in Firefox (39).

This JS Fiddle shows an example of what I have so far (test in Firefox to see working example).

How can I make this layout work in Chrome and IE11?

Using position absolute on the image to move it out the document flow is not an option as I need it to push the content below down.

Whilst I'm using flexbox I would accept any (CSS only) method that could achieve the desired layout.

If you're willing to mess with the source order a little bit, you could do something like:

Grouping container with this order inside:

  • Img container
  • Title container
  • Content container
  • Then float your image to the right, and have the title and content sit on the left at large size.

    At smaller sizes, to achieve the visual reordering, you could apply flexbox to reorder them as 2 1 3.

    So a kind of "hybrid" solution, could possibly solve this situation.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/27478.html

    上一篇: 在NancyFX self主机单身中调用关闭任务

    下一篇: Flexbox强制新增列