How to prevent django from loading objects in memory when using `delete()`?

I'm having memory issues because it looks like Django is loading the objects into memory when using delete() . Is there any way to prevent Django from doing that?

From the Django docs:

Django needs to fetch objects into memory to send signals and handle cascades. However, if there are no cascades and no signals, then Django may take a fast-path and delete objects without fetching into memory. For large deletes this can result in significantly reduced memory usage. The amount of executed queries can be reduced, too.

I don't use signals. I do have foreign keys on the model I'm trying to delete, but I don't see why Django would need to load the objects into memory. It looks like it does, because my memory is rising as the query runs.

You can use a function like this to iterate over an huge number of objects without using too much memory:

import gc

def queryset_iterator(qs, batchsize = 500, gc_collect = True):
    iterator = qs.values_list('pk', flat=True).order_by('pk').distinct().iterator()
    eof = False
    while not eof:
        primary_key_buffer = []
            while len(primary_key_buffer) < batchsize:
        except StopIteration:
            eof = True
        for obj in qs.filter(pk__in=primary_key_buffer).order_by('pk').iterator():
            yield obj
        if gc_collect:

Then you can use the function to iterate over the objects to delete:

for obj in queryset_iterator(HugeQueryset.objects.all()):

For more information you can check this blog post.

You can import django database connection and use it with sql to delete. I had exact same problem as you do and this helps me a lot. Here's some snippet(I'm using mysql by the way, but you can run any sql statement):

from django.db import connection
sql_query = "DELETE FROM usage WHERE date < '%s' ORDER BY date" % date
cursor = connection.cursor()

This should execute only the delete operation on that table without affecting any of your model relationships.


上一篇: Xcode中

下一篇: 如何在使用`delete()`时防止django加载内存中的对象?