How to tell ember.js and ember

Doing ember -v only shows ember cli version.

How can you view ember.js version and ember data versions?

The version of ember.js and ember-data is determined by your app's dependencies.

Bower dependencies are listed in bower.json file.

npm dependencies are listed in your package.json file.

In the command line, you can just use cat and grep to show you relevant lines.

For example, in the app's directory (same place you use ember -v ):

cat bower.json | grep ember-data

That will return any line that matches the text ember-data . It would output something like this:

"ember-data": "1.0.0-beta.16.1",

If you're using npm:

npm list --depth=0

Results in:

    <project name> <project location>
    ├── body-parser@1.12.4
    ├── broccoli-asset-rev@0.3.1
    ├── broccoli-ember-hbs-template-compiler@1.7.0
    ├── broccoli-merge-trees@0.2.1
    ├── ember-breadcrumbs@0.1.6

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