How to apply !important using .css()?

I am having trouble applying a style that is !important . I've tried:

$("#elem").css("width", "100px !important");

This does nothing ; no width style whatsoever is applied. Is there a jQuery-ish way of applying such a style without having to overwrite cssText (which would mean I'd need to parse it first, etc.)?

Edit : I should add that I have a stylesheet with an !important style that I am trying to override with an !important style inline, so using .width() and the like does not work since it gets overridden by my external !important style.

Also, the value that will override the previous value is computed , so I cannot simply create another external style.

I think I've found a real solution. I've made it into a new function:, value, priority);

You can use it to get values with .style('name') just like .css('name') , get the CSSStyleDeclaration with .style() , and also set values - with the ability to specify the priority as 'important'. See this.


var div = $('someDiv');
console.log('color'));'color', 'red');
console.log('color'));'color', 'blue', 'important');

Here's the output:


The Function

(function($) {    
  if ($ {

  // Escape regex chars with 
  var escape = function(text) {
    return text.replace(/[-[]{}()*+?.,^$|#s]/g, "$&");

  // For those who need them (< IE 9), add support for CSS functions
  var isStyleFuncSupported = !!CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue;
  if (!isStyleFuncSupported) {
    CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue = function(a) {
      return this.getAttribute(a);
    CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setProperty = function(styleName, value, priority) {
      this.setAttribute(styleName, value);
      var priority = typeof priority != 'undefined' ? priority : '';
      if (priority != '') {
        // Add priority manually
        var rule = new RegExp(escape(styleName) + 's*:s*' + escape(value) +
            '(s*;)?', 'gmi');
        this.cssText =
            this.cssText.replace(rule, styleName + ': ' + value + ' !' + priority + ';');
    CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.removeProperty = function(a) {
      return this.removeAttribute(a);
    CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyPriority = function(styleName) {
      var rule = new RegExp(escape(styleName) + 's*:s*[^s]*s*!important(s*;)?',
      return rule.test(this.cssText) ? 'important' : '';

  // The style function
  $ = function(styleName, value, priority) {
    // DOM node
    var node = this.get(0);
    // Ensure we have a DOM node
    if (typeof node == 'undefined') {
      return this;
    // CSSStyleDeclaration
    var style = this.get(0).style;
    // Getter/Setter
    if (typeof styleName != 'undefined') {
      if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
        // Set style property
        priority = typeof priority != 'undefined' ? priority : '';
        style.setProperty(styleName, value, priority);
        return this;
      } else {
        // Get style property
        return style.getPropertyValue(styleName);
    } else {
      // Get CSSStyleDeclaration
      return style;

See this for examples of how to read and set the CSS values. My issue was that I had already set !important for the width in my CSS to avoid conflicts with other theme CSS, but any changes I made to the width in jQuery would be unaffected since they would be added to the style attribute.


For setting with the priority using the setProperty function, This Article says there is support for IE 9+ and all other browsers. I have tried with IE 8 and it has failed, which is why I built support for it in my functions (see above). It will work on all other browsers using setProperty, but it will need my custom code to work in < IE 9.

The problem is caused by jQuery not understanding the !important attribute, and as such fails to apply the rule.

You might be able to work around that problem, and apply the rule by referring to it, via addClass() :

.importantRule { width: 100px !important; }


Or by using attr() :

$('#elem').attr('style', 'width: 100px !important');

The latter approach would unset any previously set in-line style rules, though. So use with care.

Of course, there's a good argument that @Nick Craver's method is easier/wiser.

The above, attr() approach modified slightly to preserve the original style string/properties:

$('#elem').attr('style', function(i,s) { return s + 'width: 100px !important;' });

You can set the width directly using .width() like this:


Updated for comments: You have this option as well, but it'll replace all css on the element, so not sure it's any more viable:

$('#elem').css('cssText', 'width: 100px !important');

上一篇: IPN与PDT在贝宝

下一篇: 如何申请!使用.css()重要?