Adobe Flash 10 GPU and Adobe AIR for Android

How can i make the Augmented Reality applcation on Android mobile phone (HTC Nexus One) that i have developed using the flash platform faster, since flash doesnt support OpenGL for 3D graphics.

Can I make it faster using GPU Acceleration?

Or there is any way to combine Flash and OpenGL?

Any online sources talking about this subject will be very useful..

Please help me to understand if this is possible to be done.

There's this 3d engine: Alternativa3D 8. They provide GPU-accelerated 3D APIs. I haven't tried neither know the status of the project. They say it can/will run on Android.


上一篇: 如何使用位图数据设置视频帧捕获

下一篇: 适用于Android的Adobe Flash 10 GPU和Adobe AIR