paginated api request, how to know if there is another page?

I am creating a PHP class that use a 3rd party API. The API has a method with this request URL structure:

Where "x" is the page number.

Each page return 50 sales and I need to return an undefined number of pages for each user (depending on the user sales) and store some data from each sale.

I have already created some methods that get the data from the URL, decode and create a new array with the desired data, but only with the first page request.

Now I want to create a method that check if is there another page, and if there is, get it and make the check again

How can I check if there is another page? And how to create a loop that get another page if there is one?

I have already this code, but it create an infinite loop.

$my_class = new Example_API;
$page = 1;
$sales_url = $my_class->sales_url( $page );
$url = $my_class->get_data($sales_url);

while ( !empty($url) ) {
    $sales_url = $my_class->sales_url( $page );
    $url = $my_class->get_data($sales_url);

I don't use CURL, I use file_get_content . When I request a page out of range, I get this result:

string(2) "[]"

And this other after json_decode :

array(0) { }

From your input, in the while loop, you change the $url (which actually holds the data return by the API call) and this is checked for emptiness, if I'm correct.

$url = $my_class->get_data($sales_url);

If the above is just the original response (so in case of page out of range a string "[]"), it will never get empty("[]") to true. So my guess is that the return value from get_data is this string, while it should be the actual array/json even if the result is empty (ie I suspect that you perform the json_decode once you have collected the data eg outside the loop).

If this is the case, my suggestion would be to either check for "[]" in the loop (eg while ($url !== "[]")) or within the loop decode the response data ($url = json_decode($url)).

From my experience with several API's, the response returns the number of rows found, and x number per page starting with page 1. In your case, if the response has the number of rows then just divide it by the x number page and loop through the results as page numbers.

$results =1000;
$perPage = 50;
$pages = ceil($results/$perPage);
for (i=1 ; $i < $pages; $pages++){
     // execute your api call and store the results

Hope this help.

From the responses you've shown, you get an empty array if there are no results. In that case, you could use the empty method in a loop to determine if there's anything to report:

// Craft the initial request URL
$page = 1;
$url = '' . $page;

// Now start looping
while (!empty(file_get_contents($url)) {
    // There's data here, do something with it

    // And set the new URL for the next page
    $url = '' . ++$page;

That way it will keep looping over all the pages, until there is no more data.


上一篇: Spark错误:无法初始化类org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope

下一篇: 分页API请求,如何知道是否有另一个页面?