How to get the index in the 'in' statement in Python

This question already has an answer here:

  • Finding the index of an item given a list containing it in Python 23 answers

  • 要避免一个循环,可以使用try-except子句(不使用if ... in ...:

        i = vocab.index(word)
    except ValueError as e:
        print e # Optional
        i = -1

    This is a case where I wish I could do assignment in an if statement, but I can't so this is the solution:

    If vocab is a list :

        index = vocab.index(word)
    except ValueError:
        print index, word

    if vocab is a str :

    index = vocab.find(word)
    if index >= 0:
        print index, word

    def getindex(iterable,target):
        for idx,value in enumerate(iterable):
            if value==target: return idx
        return -1

    Note that this WILL NOT work if you're trying to find a substring in a string (as I'm assuming, since you're doing if word in vocab . In that case you really should do:

    try: idx = iterable.index(target)
    except ValueError as e: # Not found
        # Handle it

    If you try to use the getindex function above, it will always return -1 for any value len(target) > 1 since it will break your iterable into its smallest iteration, which is by-letter for strings.


    上一篇: 在Python中按值获取JSON列表索引

    下一篇: 如何获得Python中'in'语句的索引