Finding the position of words in a string

This question already has an answer here:

  • Finding the index of an item given a list containing it in Python 23 answers

  • To get the "ordinal" positions of search string jake in the input string use the following approach:

    mystr = "there not what is jake can do for you ask what you play do for spare jake"
    search_str = 'jake'
    result = [i+1 for i,w in enumerate(mystr.split()) if w.lower() == search_str]

    The output:

    [5, 17]

  • enumerate(mystr.split()) - to get enumerated object (pairs of items with their positions/indices)

  • w.lower() == search_str - if a word is equal to search string

  • Try this way:

    mystr = "there not what is jake can do for you ask what you play do for spare jake"
    result = [index+1 for index,word in enumerate(mystr.split()) if word=='jake']


    [5, 17]

    上一篇: “如果不在”在Python中获取索引

    下一篇: 在字符串中查找单词的位置