Image not align at center on UIButton

I have customized UIButton with the following properties:

  • 84x44 frame
  • 84x44 background image
  • 32*32 image that should be centered
  • but my image is always aligned to the left. How can I align it back to center position on the UIButton?

    I have a title on my button that is hidden (clearColor). These titles are key_value in a dictionary so I know which button is pressed and return corresponding value in the dictionary. I now understand that it's these text that is pushing my image sideway, but how do I fix that?

    Under attribute inspector, there is a tap named Edge, set to Image. I set left value as 22 and all image align to center. Can someone explain to me how this works?

    检查titleLabel是否为空 - 如果它有文本,它会将image向左推, titleLabel右侧的titleLabel腾出空间。


    上一篇: 带图像和文字的UIButton

    下一篇: 图像不在UIButton的中心对齐