Python prints memory address instead of a list when using
I'm tasked to make a "Set" class that contains the variable self.list and be able to print and str() the object by writing the __repr__
and __str__
methods. A second file (, a "driver file" creates a Set object and attempts to call print(str(set_object)) and print(set_object) but both calls only print a memory address, Set.Set instance at 0x1033d1488>
or some other location. How do I change this? I want it to print out the contents of the set_object in the form {1,2,3}
Here is my code in it's entirety after updating indentation.
class Set:
def __init__(self):
self.list = []
def add_element(self, integer):
if integer not in self.list:
def remove_element(self, integer):
while integer in self.list: self.list.remove(integer)
def remove_all(self):
self.list = []
def has_element(self, x):
while x in self.list: return True
return False
#probably doesnt work, __repr__
def __repr__(self):
if self.list.len == 0:
return "{}"
return "{"+", ".join(str(e) for e in self.list) +"}"
#Same as above, probably doesnt work
def __str__(self):
if len(self.list) == 0:
return "{}"
return "{"+", ".join(str(e) for e in self.list) +"}"
def __add__(self, other):
counter = 0
while counter <= len(other.list):
if other.list[counter] not in self.list:
counter = counter + 1
Why do I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
from Set import *
File "/Users/josh/Documents/", line 23
return "{"+", ".join(str(e) for e in self.list) +"}"
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
You've mixed tabs and spaces. Don't do that; this is what happens when you do. Python thinks some of your methods are actually internal to some of your other methods, so the Set
class doesn't actually have __str__
or __repr__
Fix your indentation, and your problem will go away. To avoid such problems in the future, turn on "show whitespace" in your editor, and try running Python with the -tt
command line option if you think you might be seeing tab-related bugs.
There is another problem at:
if self.list.len == 0:
you probably meant to do:
if len(self.list) == 0:
Once this issue is fixed, the code works:
s = Set()
print s # prints {1, 2, 3}
上一篇: IPython忽略对象的