String Object Representation in Python

This question already has an answer here:

  • Difference between __str__ and __repr__? 21 answers

  • __str__ (usually read dunder, for double under) is an instance method that is called whenever you run str(<object>) and returns the string representation of the object.

    str(foo) acts as a function trying to convert foo into a string.

    There is also a __repr__() method which is fairly similar to __str__() , the main difference being __repr__ should return an unambiguous string and __str__ is for a readable string. For a great response on the diffences between the two I'd suggest giving this answer a read.

    __str__() is a magic instance method that doee this: when you print a class instance variable with print() , it will give you a string that can be modified by changing the returned string in the __str__() method. There's probably a better explanation to it but I can show you with code:

    class Thing:
        def __init__(self):
        def __str__(self):
           return "What do you want?"  #always use return
    a = Thing()


    What do you want?

    str() just converts a variable into a string type variable.




    You can confirm it is a string using the type() function.


    I don't know the exact output of that but it will peobably have 'str' in it.


    上一篇: 在Python中获取数组的长度

    下一篇: Python中的字符串对象表示