Git change author of not pushhed commits

This question already has an answer here:

  • Change the author and committer name and e-mail of multiple commits in Git 29 answers

  • There is already this answer

    Using Interactive Rebase

    You could do

    git rebase -i -p <some HEAD before all of your bad commits>

    Then mark all of your bad commits as "edit" in the rebase file. If you also want to change your first commit, you have to manually add it as first line in the rebase file (follow the format of the other lines). Then, when git asks you to amend each commit, do

     git commit --amend --author "New Author Name <>" 

    edit or just close the editor that opens, and then do

    git rebase --continue

    to continue the rebase.

    You could skip opening the editor altogether here by appending --no-edit so that the command will be:

    git commit --amend --author "New Author Name <>" --no-edit && 
    git rebase --continue

    Single Commit

    As some of the commenters have noted, if you just want to change the most recent commit, the rebase command is not necessary. Just do

     git commit --amend --author "New Author Name <>"

    This will change the author to the name specified, but the committer will be set to your configured user in git config and git config . If you want to set the committer to something you specify, this will set both the author and the committer:

     git -c"New Author Name" -c commit --amend --reset-author

    Note on Merge Commits

    There was a slight flaw in my original response. If there are any merge commits between the current HEAD and your <some HEAD before all your bad commits> , then git rebase will flatten them (and by the way, if you use GitHub pull requests, there are going to be a ton of merge commits in your history). This can very often lead to very different history (as duplicate changes may be "rebased out"), and in the worst case, it can lead to git rebase asking you to resolve difficult merge conflicts (which were likely already resolved in the merge commits). The solution is to use the -p flag to git rebase , which will preserve the merge structure of your history. The manpage for git rebase warns that using -p and -i can lead to issues, but in the BUGS section it says "Editing commits and rewording their commit messages should work fine."

    I've added -p to the above command. For the case where you're just changing the most recent commit, this is not an issue.

    in this post: Change the author and committer name and e-mail of multiple commits in Git


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    下一篇: Git改变了不推压提交的作者