indenting a bunch of lines in VIM

Is there a way to indent a selection of lines in vim, like we have in text editors where we select a bunch of lines and press tab (or shift tab) to indent/unindent the selected lines? I am talking about general indentation and not related to code indentation.

Use visual mode as Peter suggests. You can also use X>> where X is the number of lines you want to indent. Eg 5>> indents five lines from current line and down.

You can select a set of lines with visual line mode (via shift + V), and then type


and, to dedent,


You can also add numeric arguments. Find out you didn't indent enough? Hit gv to re-select your previous selection.

While typing in normal mode, try out ctrl + T or ctrl + D to indent or dedent.

I use the following mappings to indent/unindent:

vmap <TAB> >gv
vmap <S-TAB> <gv

Use TAB to indent and shift-TAB to unindent the visually selected lines.

If a block is selected Vim indents/unindents what is right of the start of the block.


上一篇: 如何在gvim(win32)中缩进选区?

下一篇: 在VIM中缩进一堆线