cast or C Style type casting

This question already has an answer here:

  • When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? 6 answers

  • Casts should be used rarely, and cautiously, and it is a lot easier to spot when you're abusing the system if you write:

    char *x = const_cast<char *>(some_const_char_pointer_expression);

    than if you disguise it with:

    char *x = (char *)some_const_char_pointer_expression;

    So, use the explicit, controlled, verbose notation because it encourages you to avoid casts, and to use the correct, precise cast when you must use one.

    C style cast is more general. It 'chooses' from const_cast , static_cast , const_cast with static_cast , dynamic_cast , then dynamic_cast with const_cast and finally reinterpret_cast , reinterpret_cast with const_cast . So, as you see, there is pretty much difference between c-cast and reinterpret_cast , as C-cast cast goes with static and dynamic cast first.

    If you write in C++, you should prefer one of casts above instead of C-style cast. They are more explicit. But C-style cast is not a very-very-very bad style.


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