Backwards Compatibility for Angular UI Bootstrap 0.14.0

Did PR #4514 make it into the 0.14.0 tag? Right now 0.14.0 isn't backwards compatible with 0.13.x when I recently re-built a project.

DropdownController is now deprecated. Use UibDropdownController instead.
vendor.min.js:15dropdown-toggle is now deprecated. Use uib-dropdown-toggle instead.
vendor.min.js:15dropdown-menu is now deprecated. Use uib-dropdown-menu instead.
vendor.min.js:15dropdown is now deprecated. Use uib-dropdown instead.

It should be 100% backward compatible. It only prompts you to update all your directives to use the new prefix.

There are some issues as today (with angular 1.3.x), but we will try to make a hot fix release ASAP.


上一篇: 如何将Grafana与我的私人OAuth服务器一起使用?

下一篇: 向后兼容Angular UI Bootstrap 0.14.0