Parsing HTML Source to extract Anchor and Link tags href value

I am looking for some HTML Parser in PHP which can help me extract href values from the html source.

I looked at phpQuery and its best but it is to be too overkill for my needs and cosume a lot of CPU doing the extra stuff that I dont need.

I also checked

$dom = new DomDocument();

but it has problems parsing HTML5 tags.

Is there any better library/class or a way to do it?


$html = "This is some stuff right here. <a href='index.html'>Check this out!</a> <a href=herp.html>And this is another thing!</a> <a href="derp.html">OH MY GOSH</a>";
preg_match_all('/href=['"]?([^s>'"]*)['">]/', $html, $matches);
$hrefs = ($matches[1] ? $matches[1] : false);

simplehtmldom is a handy PHP HTML parsing class

我用这个 - -

$html = '<a href=""><img src="images/a.png" /></a>';
preg_match('/href="([^s"]+)/', $html, $match);
echo '<pre>';

上一篇: PHP DOMDocument,Unicode问题

下一篇: 解析HTML源码以提取锚点和链接标记href值