how to get batch file parameters from Nth position on?

Further to How to Pass Command Line Parameters in batch file how does one get the rest of the parameters with specifying them exactly? I don't want to use SHIFT because I don't know how many parameters there might be and would like to avoid counting them, if I can.

For example, given this batch file:

@echo off
set par1=%1
set par2=%2
set par3=%3
set therest=%???
echo the script is %0
echo Parameter 1 is %par1%
echo Parameter 2 is %par2%
echo Parameter 3 is %par3%
echo and the rest are %therest%

Running mybatch opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5 ...opt20 would yield:

the script is mybatch
Parameter 1 is opt1
Parameter 2 is opt2
Parameter 3 is opt3
and the rest are opt4 opt5 ...opt20

I know %* gives all the parameters, but I don't wan't the first three (for example).


@echo off

for /f "tokens=1-3*" %%a in ("%*") do (
    set par1=%%a
    set par2=%%b
    set par3=%%c
    set therest=%%d

echo the script is %0
echo Parameter 1 is %par1%
echo Parameter 2 is %par2%
echo Parameter 3 is %par3%
echo and the rest are %therest%

The following code uses shift , but it avoids to parse the command line using for and lets the command line interpreter do this job (regard that for does not parse double-quotes properly, for instance argument set AB" "C is interpreted as 3 arguments A , B" , "C by for , but as 2 arguments A , B" "C by the interpreter; this behaviour prevents quoted path arguments like "C:Program Files" from being handled correctly):

@echo off

set "par1=%1" & shift /1
set "par2=%1" & shift /1
set "par3=%1" & shift /1

set therest=
set delim=

if "%1"=="" goto :UNTIL
set "therest=%therest%%delim%%1"
set "delim= "
shift /1
goto :REPEAT

echo the script is "%0"
echo Parameter 1 is "%par1%"
echo Parameter 2 is "%par2%"
echo Parameter 3 is "%par3%"
echo and the rest are "%therest%"
rem.the additional double-quotes in the above echoes^
    are intended to visualise potential whitespaces

The remaining arguments in %therest% might not look like the way they were originally concerning the delimiters (remember the command line interpreter also treats TABs, , , ; , = as delimiters as well as all combinations), because all delimiters are replaced by a single space here. However, when passing %therest% to some other command or batch file, it will be parsed correctly.

The only limitation I encountered so far applies to arguments containing the caret character ^ . Other limitations (related to < , > , | , & , " ) apply to the command line interpreter itself.

::# Guess you want 3rd and on.
::# ':~1' here is merely to drop leading space.

SET /A LAST=%1-1
::# Let's throw the first two away.
FOR /L %%z in (1,1,%LAST%) do (
IF "x%PAR%" == "x" (
GOTO aloop

I like to use subroutines instead of EnableDelayedExpansion . Above is extract from my dir/file pattern processing batch. Don't say this cannot handle arguments with = , but at least can do quoted path with spaces, and wildcards.


上一篇: 有没有办法指出批处理文件中的最后n个参数?

下一篇: 如何从第N个位置获取批处理文件参数?