Bada development in Linux

The Bada site list the Windows OS as a system requirement for installing the Bada SDK.

Is it possible to create Bada apps using Linux?

It's not supported by Samsung, but it is possible to run Bada IDE and Simulator on Linux using Wine. There was a problem with communication between IDE and the Simulator, but I believe it is possible to get it to work. But as far as I know, there are no drivers for the Wave phone, so you won't be able to test your apps on the device.

More info and discussion here:

Samsung announced that upcoming 2.0.0 will support GNU/Linux , else you can try to port the toolchain to start ...

Some links about it (in french) :

Tell us

Unfortunately, native Linux / OS X support will only be released later (if at all, I would add) - with the current release of the official 2.0 SDK, there's only a Windows version. (Nevertheless, it does run under Parallels and also accesses the connected hardware.)


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