How to access my dictionary

This question already has an answer here:

  • Iterating over dictionaries using 'for' loops 12 answers

  • Discover is a key of your dictionary. You can access the keys collection in your dictionary using keys() method. Then use each key to access the associated element.

    for key in account.keys():

    Since Discover is the only key you could do print account.keys()[0] .

    But if you ever had more keys this won't work every time since dictionaries are arbitrarily ordered (in other words, have no sense of order), you will need to iterate over the keys() list, or simply print account.keys() to print the whole keys list.


    for i in account:
        print i

    上一篇: 在Python中迭代字典

    下一篇: 如何访问我的字典