Efficient delete of a tree data structure

I have a tree data structure :

  • The root of the tree has no parents ans no previous siblings (it can have next siblings).
  • Every node has a unique parent.
  • Every node has a pointer to it's next and previous siblings, children and parent.
  • This tree data structure is being populated with millions of nodes. When I delete a tree having an enormous amount of nodes, a stack-overflow exception is thrown. The data structure works well when the number of nodes is relatively small or when I build in release mode.

    This is the destructor of a node :

            Entity* child = NULL;
            if (firstChild != NULL)
                child = firstChild->getNextSibling();
            while(child != NULL)
                delete child->getPreviousSibling();
                child = child->getNextSibling();
            if (lastChild != NULL)
                delete lastChild;
            if (isRoot())
                if (nextSibling != NULL)
                    delete nextSibling;

    One can implement a non recursive algorithm to traverse the tree and delete all it's nodes.

    Could you suggest an efficient postorder traversal algorithm to delete a non binary tree ?

    EDIT: Missed the bit about back-pointers to the parent node. That means we don't need to maintain a path history to backtrack, and we can do away with the stack.

    node = root;
    while (node)
        if (node->firstChild)
            next = node->firstChild;
            node->firstChild = null;
            next = node->nextSibling ? node->nextSibling : node->parent;
            delete node;
        node = next;

    Original answer:

    Anything you can do recursively, you can do with a loop and a stack. While this doesn't require any less memory, the advantage is that you can put that memory on the heap and avoid an overflow.

    while (!s.empty())
         node = s.pop();
         if (node->nextSibling) s.push(node->nextSibling);
         if (node->firstChild) s.push(node->firstChild);
         delete node;


        Entity* child = firstChild;
        while (child) {
          Entity *succ = child->getNextSibling();
          delete child;
          child = succ;

    Here is the sketch of a non-recursive solution:

  • initialize a pointer to a node with the root pointer;
  • repeat
  • if the current node has a son, move to that son;
  • else, delete the current node and return to its parent, if any;
  • until the current node has no parent.
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/30466.html

    上一篇: 从Tree(图)获取有序列表的最有效方法是什么?

    下一篇: 高效删除树形数据结构