Make WCF DateTime Compatible for Java client

I'am designing a WCF Service wich will be consumed by Java client by returning an array of object .

I design a small Java application to display the output object collection fields.

all fine except the DateTime wich is displayed as follow :


Could you at least guide me about some best pratice or attribute to add in my Service to prevent this issue ?

Is there any Java turn around ?

Thank you in advance

A Java Calendar objects gives you all the information you need to precisely definte the moment in time: the time itself (internally in millisecs since the epoch 01/01/1970), the timezone, ....

So there is nothing for you to do to change this behaviour, except that in your code you can obtain a "Date" object (also containing the time) from the calendar object you obtained using the getTime() method.


上一篇: 日历获得年份返回错误的结果

下一篇: 使WCF DateTime兼容Java客户端