Coloring points based on variable with R ggpairs
I'm trying to reproduce the figure in with the code
data(tips, package="reshape")
ggpairs(data=tips, title="tips data", colour = "sex")
However, in the plot I get the points are not colored based on sex, instead they are all the same color. I get the following warning
Warning message: In warn_if_args_exist(list(...)) : Extra arguments: 'colour' are being ignored. If these are meant to be >aesthetics, submit them using the 'mapping' variable within ggpairs with >ggplot2::aes or ggplot2::aes_string.
I've tried adding ggplot2::aes(colour = sex), but that did not work either.
Does anyone else here have the same problem? I'm using R version 3.3.1 and GGally_1.2.0.
has been under fairly rapid development, so it's not surprising that a blog post from 2013 has out-of-date code. When I run your code with GGally
1.2.0 I get the same warning. It works for me if I add the mapping:
data(tips, package="reshape")
g1 <- ggpairs(data=tips, title="tips data",
mapping=ggplot2::aes(colour = sex),
Following the wiki page for the wrap()
incantation to stop complaints about needing to set binwidth
in stat_bin
上一篇: ggpairs的自定义组平均函数
下一篇: 基于R ggpairs变量的着色点