add days to date string using date.tocalender function

I'm using Velocity (integrated within our company's software) to code email templates, however I'm struggling to find a solution for the above.

The software stores a policy start date as the ${POLSDATE} variable, however I need to be able to add 14 days to this date, I've tried the below (among several other variations):

#set ($rendate_14 = $date.toCalendar(${POLSDATE}))

"$rendate_14" without the addition prints a comma separated array of data (the date in this example is 01/08/17):


...however with the addition .add(5,14) it doesn't print any information at all.

Any ideas?

It is very simple: java.util.Calendar#add is a void method,of course print nothing.

Try the following code instead:

#set ($rendate_14 = $date.toCalendar(${POLSDATE}))

上一篇: 如何检查日历实例最初是否是错误的日期

下一篇: 使用date.tocalender函数添加日期字符串