Oracle Apex: Javascript code in PL/SQL Block

Is it possible to have JavaScript code in the PL/SQL block. I want to execute the pl/sql block containing JavaScript code on submit in oracle Apex page process.

  v_count   NUMBER;

        select count(*) into v_count
        from summary
        where prd_items = 'Total';

 HTP.p ('<script type="text/javascript">');
 HTP.p (   'alert(''The value of Total for BU is ' ||v_count|| '.n'
      || 'You have to enter correct values to proceed further n'');');
 HTP.p ('</script>');

I have Submit button in my page region and this pl/sql block is page processing item and execute on page submit( Conditional:Submit ).

But I am not able to pop-up the alert box. Please advise.

Thank you.

Is it possible to have JavaScript code in the PL/SQL block?

  • YES
  • But, what you're trying to do wont work which is passing javascript function AFTER SUBMIT.It'll only work if you change the point of execution to AFTER HEADER.

    Alternatively, if you just want to validate the values entered and doesn't want to use apex validation, you can use APEX_ERROR package.Try this.

      v_count   NUMBER;
            select prd_items into v_count
            from summary
            where prd_items = 'Total';
            -- I dont really know what you want to 
            --accomplish with this query but Im pretty sure 
            --It will not return a number
            -- if you want to count the number of prd_items it should be like this
            --select COUNT(*) 
            --into v_count
            --from summary
            --where prd_items = 'Total';
          p_message            => 'The value of Total for BU is '||v_count||'.<br>'||
                                  'You have to enter correct values to proceed further',
          p_display_location   => apex_error.c_inline_in_notification 

    EDIT: if you want to show the error if count not equal to 100 then do something like this:

      v_count   NUMBER;
         Select COUNT(*) 
         into v_count
         from summary
         where prd_items = 'Total';
      IF v_count != 100 THEN
          p_message            => 'The value of Total for BU is '||v_count||'.<br>'||
                                  'You have to enter correct values to proceed further',
          p_display_location   => apex_error.c_inline_in_notification 
     END IF;

    To embed the javascript code from the pl/sql procedure you will have to place the procedure at a "Before Header" point. But i do not think this is the best solution for what you are trying to achieve.

    What you are trying to do is to add a validation right? If so why not use the apex validations. Create a validation with options like this:

  • Identify the validation level:Page Item
  • Identify the Page Item that is to be validated: Select the item you want.
  • Select a validation type: PL/SQL
  • Pick the type of validation you wish to create:Function Returning Error Text
  • Validation Code:
  •     DECLARE  v_count          NUMBER;
      V_validation_msg VARCHAR2(500);
      SELECT prd_items INTO v_count FROM summary WHERE prd_items = 'Total';
      V_validation_msg:='The value of Total for BU is ' ||v_count|| '.n' || 'You have to enter correct values to proceed further';
      IF 1= 1 THEN --add some condition here if you want
        RETURN V_validation_msg;
        RETURN NULL;
      END IF;
  • When Button Pressed: Your Submit button.
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    上一篇: Facebook Audience网络在XCode 7上有太多警告

    下一篇: Oracle Apex:PL / SQL块中的Javascript代码