Devexpress xtragrid column set mask with repositoryItemTextEdit

I'm using devexpress 11.1.4. version also xtraGrid control, my code is I have set repositoryItemTextEdit to display mask into grid column. I whant to set date format:
" "

At the time of typing looks good , however when cells lose focus it changes in format: "mm.dd.yyyy"

Also sometimes they just emptied or when i choose for example: 10.05.2015. it change the value that it looks like this: 01.05.2015.
I do not know why

Here is my code:

    Public dateWithTextEdit As RepositoryItemTextEdit = New RepositoryItemTextEdit

        dateWithTextEdit .Mask.UseMaskAsDisplayFormat = True
        dateWithTextEdit .Mask.AutoComplete = XtraEditors.Mask.AutoCompleteType.Strong
        dateWithTextEdit .Mask.MaskType = XtraEditors.Mask.MaskType.DateTime
        dateWithTextEdit .Mask.EditMask = ""

        DGV.RepositoryItems.Add(dateWithTextEdit )

          DGV.DataSource = dataTable

        With dgvVIEW

            .OptionsBehavior.AllowAddRows = DefaultBoolean.True
            .OptionsView.NewItemRowPosition = DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.NewItemRowPosition.Top
            .OptionsBehavior.AllowDeleteRows = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True

            .Columns(0).Name = "PROMDDOK"
            .Columns(0).FieldName = "PROMDDOK"
            .Columns(0).Caption = "DATUM DOKUMENTA"
            .Columns(0).ColumnEdit = dateWithTextEdit 
            .Columns(0).Visible = True
            .Columns(0).Width = 120

        End With

Problem no. 1.: your edit mask is . mm stands for minutes, you have to use dd.MM.yyyy .

If this doesn't help, set the column's display format as well. Code in C#:

columns[0].DisplayFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.DateTime;
columns[0].DisplayFormat.FormatString = "dd.MM.yyyy";

根据DevExpress联机文档,RepositoryItemTextEdit.Mask Property用于在编辑模式下格式化单元格值。要在显示模式下格式化单元格值,请使用格式化单元格值文档中描述的解决方案。


上一篇: 将JSON绑定到DevExtreme数据网格

下一篇: 使用repositoryItemTextEdit Devexpress xtragrid列设置掩码