Delete forked repo from GitHub

I'm starting with git and GitHub and there's a project I'm watching on GitHub. I unintentionally clicked to fork it. Now it appears as a new project to me.

I have some doubts about it:

  • I know if commit or do another thing to my forked repo, it will be updated, but the updated code will take effect only after the project's author request the pull. Right?
  • If I go to admin panel on GitHub there's a delete option. If I delete it as the option above, will it make any effect in the original one or not?
  • I'd like to delete it. By now I'm just studying the code and don't really need the fork.

    Deleting it will do nothing to the original project. Editing it will only edit your fork on your repo page.

    By far the easiest way is to log in gitHub account:

  • Click to your repository {for example yourUsername/yourRepository for example mbaric/test }
  • Then in the main toolbar of github click on Settings
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find Delete this repository button
  • When you click it another pop up will appear here you need to type in the name of your repository and click on the button below which says: I understand the consequences, delete the repository
  • If you are having trouble to do it, below are the images that can be checked…
  • 2018-03-05 - GitHub changed the UI again, Here are new images. Enjoy. GHD1


    Just delete the forked repo from your GitHub account.

  • If I go to admin panel on GitHub there's a delete option. If I delete it as the option above, will it make any effect in the original one or not?
  • It wont make any changes in the original one; cos, its your repo now.


    上一篇: 如何比较来自两个不同分支的文件?

    下一篇: 从GitHub删除分叉的回购