Angular Universal app with IIS Node not serving CSS Files

I have built Angular universal app which has dist and dist-server with server.js and node_modules folder.

When I run node server.js , I'm able to load the app but when I deploy in IIS with IIS NOde , I'm only getting index.html , CSS and JS files are not loaded.

    'use strict';


    const express = require('express');
    const ngUniversal = require('@nguniversal/express-engine');
    const { provideModuleMap } = require('@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader');

    const { AppServerModuleNgFactory, LAZY_MODULE_MAP } = require('./dist-server/main.bundle');

    function angularRouter(req, res) {
// Only 1st time we are getting request here --1
and log will be my Virtual APP directory Name 
      res.render('index', {req, res});

    const app = express();

    app.engine('html', ngUniversal.ngExpressEngine({
      bootstrap: AppServerModuleNgFactory,
      providers: [
    app.set('view engine', 'html');
    app.set('views', 'dist');

    app.get('/', angularRouter);


    app.get('*', angularRouter);

    app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
      // console.log('Listening on port 3000');

I have tried different URL rewrite rules in web.config but it doesn't work because once the index.html is loaded then from there all request are routed through express , so express I'm unable to figure out how to make express use static files when Routed from IIS

Note: App is working absolutely fine when I run node server.js ie app listening on localhost:3000


上一篇: android中的位图循环裁剪

下一篇: 带有IIS节点的Angular Universal应用程序不能提供CSS文件