Revert push check in from git

This question already has an answer here:

  • How to revert Git repository to a previous commit? 38 answers

  • Two ways:

  • create a revert commit, and push it. This will have the story look like this:

    good commit -> faulty commit -> reverse of the faulty commit 
    git revert <faultycommitSHA>
    git push
  • rewrite the story, makes the faulty commit as if it never existed

    git reset <goodcommitSHA>
  • If you pushed the bad commit to a server, though, you can't rewrite the story on the server, BUT if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that there are no other copies of the faulty around you can REMOVE the branch from the server, and push it again. I'll repeat the warning because it is important: DON'T DO IF YOU OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS PULLED THE FAULTY COMMIT SOMEWHERE ELSE, because you will have conflicts which will merge back the faulty commit into the main branch.

    git push origin :branchname # deletes the branch on the origin remote
    git push origin branchname  # pushes the branch on the origin remote

    You can remove the old branch in whatever way you are allowed - for example by using the web interface on GitHub


    上一篇: 如何使用带参数的嵌套命令创建Git别名?

    下一篇: 从git恢复推入检入