SonarLint is super slow

I'm using the new eclipse plugin SonarLint in a large Eclipse RCP project. It is extremely slow. Analyzing all plugin projects (over 310) lasts several hours. SonarLint creates a log for every project build, that looks like this:

Starting SonarLint
Load global repositories (done from cache) | time=98ms
Load plugins index (done from cache) | time=3ms
Load project repositories (done) | time=3ms
Load quality profiles (done from cache) | time=45ms
Load active rules (done) | time=174ms
Load server rules (done from cache) | time=13ms
JavaClasspath initialization done: 74003 ms

As we can see, most of the time we are waiting for the java classpath initialization. It's getting even worse: This initialization is done after every save of one single java file!

Is there any way to speed this process up?

Removing the SonarLint for Eclipse Java Configuration Helper is not a solution : it will remove the integration of SonarLint with Java projects, meaning that the analysis won't have several important properties needed to make it accurate, such as the classpath.

You might be experiencing this problem:

Here are some things to try if SonarLint is running slow:

  • Make sure you are using the Java analyzer 4.2, which is included in SonarLint Eclipse > 2.2.1 (if using the connected mode, install it in the SonarQube server ).
  • Upgrade to latest release of SonarLint (improvements are always being made)
  • Increase the heap space used by Eclipse.
  • If you still face performance problems, please let us know how you are using SonarLint so that we track down the problem. You can a open a topic in the SonarLint group.

    I tried installing SonarLint eclipse plugin without the SonarLint for Eclipse Java Cofiguration Helper component and it solved the problem. I am using Eclipse_4.6.1 with SonarLint_2.2.1

    After above fix:

    JavaClasspath initialization done: 0 ms
    JavaTestClasspath initialization done: 0 ms
    Java Main Files AST scan done: 327 ms
    Java Test Files AST scan done: 1 ms

    上一篇: 通过OpenSSL EVP生成CMAC密钥

    下一篇: SonarLint超级慢