Adding title to plotly legend in R

I'd like to add a legend-title to my plotly graph (made in R). This doesn't seem possible in any straightforward fashion.

If nothing else works, I might add an annotation to the graph right above where the legend entries are shown. That said, I'm not sure where to anchor said notation.

I'm not sure how to proceed. Thanks.


plot_ly( ... ) %>%
  add_annotations( text="MyTitle", xref="paper", yref="paper",
                  x=1.02, xanchor="left",
                  y=0.8, yanchor="bottom",    # Same y as legend below
                  legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
  layout( legend=list(y=0.8, yanchor="top") )

上一篇: 贝宝ssl握手faliure

下一篇: 在R中为剧情图例添加标题