Pase json in javascript

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  • Safely turning a JSON string into an object 22 answers

  • That's not JSON. You can see the difference:

    So if you have an string with a json you can parse it. If you've got the propper vanilla object it's parsed !

      var divWebsite = JSON.parse('{    "id-1": "",    "id-2": "",    "id-3": "",    "id-4": ""}');

    In this case you need to pass a string to JSON.parse


    <div id="parsed"></div>


      var divWebsite = JSON.parse('{"id-1": "","id-2": "","id-3": "","id-4": ""}');
      document.getElementById('parsed').innerHTML = divWebsite['id-1'];


    What you pass to JSON.parse() is not a string, that's why. You pass an object. In a typical scenario you want JSON.parse to return that object. What you should pass is a string.

    If you want to get a json string out of that object use JSON.stringify()


    上一篇: 如何将字符串转换为Javascript中的对象?

    下一篇: Pase json在javascript中