R distance matrix and clustering for mixed and large dataset?

My intention involves clustering retail data for customer segmentation in r.

I need the full dataset for clustering, but will split into training/testing when evaluating the model. The dataset has 133,153 observations of 36 variables with numerical, categorical, and missing values (14.1 MB).

How can I cluster in r with a mixed and large dataset?

My Machine:

sessionInfo() R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)

Mac OSX Version 10.9.3 4GB RAM

Here's a thread suggesting the daisy () package be used for mixed data types before using a clustering algorithm such as k-means: implementation of the Gower distance function.

I cannot use daisy because of the error about being unable to allocate vector. There's scalability issues of matrix-oriented approach before traditional clustering methods like k-means.


#Load Data
Store1 <- read.csv("/Users/scdavis6/Documents/Work/TowerData/TowerData/Client1.csv", head=FALSE)
#Convert csv to data.frame
df <-as.data.frame(Store1)
#Create dissimilarity matrix
daisy1 <- daisy(df)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 66.0 Gb

Another thread suggests the bigmemory package be used for memory management in r: R memory management / cannot allocate vector of size n Mb.

I cannot store the data in matrix using the read.big.matrix () function because the bigmemory package doesn't allow mixed datatypes.

Please let me know if I can provide more information.

I have been stuck on the same issue. For the way of computing distances you may want to use Gower transformation. If you had not continuos data you could use an overlap function, which I did not manage to find on R yet (this paper). Here what I found for the computation problem:

To compute the distances on a very large dataset with too many N observations to be computationally feasibile, it is possilbe to apply the solution used in this recent paper (this one). They propose a smart way to proceed: they create a new dataset, where each new row is a possible combination of values over the d attributes in the original dataset. Therefore, this will give a new matrix with M < N osbervations for which the distance matrix can be computationally feasible. They "create a grid of all possible cases, with their corresponding distances (of each from each ther) and used this grid to create our clusters, to which we subsequently assiggned our observations"

I tried to reproduce that in R making use of this answer with the library(plyr) . In the following I will use just 4 observations but it should work with N observations, as long as the combinations you produce will reduce the memory requirement

id <- c(1,2,3,4)
a <- c(1,1,0,1)
b <- c(0,1,0,0)
c <- c(3,2,1,3)
d <- c(1,0,1,1)
Mydata <- as.data.frame(cbind(id, a,b,c,d))
id a b c d
1  1 0 3 1
2  1 1 2 0
3  0 0 1 1
4  1 0 3 1

Mydata_grid <-  count(Mydata[,-1])
a b c d freq
1 0 3 1  2
1 1 2 0  1
0 0 1 1  1

Where freq is the frequency of the combination in the origial Mydata . Then I just apply the distance measure I do prefer to Mydata_grid . In this case my data are categorical, therefore I apply jaccard (which I dont know if it is correct for the data in the example. Maybe I should have used an overlap matching function but I did not find it in R yet)

dist_grid <- vegdist(Mydata_grid, method="jaccard")
d_matrix <- as.matrix(dist_grid)
          1         2          3
1 0.0000000 0.5714286  0.6666667
2 0.5714286 0.0000000  0.5000000
3 0.6666667 0.5000000  0.0000000 

which is our distance_matrix. Now it is sufficient to directly cluster d_grid

clusters_d <- hclust(dist_grid, method="ward.D2")
cluster <- cutree(clusters_d, k = 2) # k= number of clusters 
1 2 1

which is the vector which assigns each combination to each cluster. Now it is enough to go back to the original sample and it is done. For doing this just do

Mydata_cluster <- cbind(Mydata_grid, cluster, Mydata_grid$freq)

and then expand the sample to the original dimension using rep

Mydata_cluster_full <- Mydata_cluster[rep(row.names(Mydata_cluster), Mydata_cluster$freq), 1:(dim(Mydata_cluster)[2]-1)]
    a b c d freq cluster
    0 0 1 1    1       1
    1 0 3 1    2       2
    1 0 3 1    2       2
    1 1 2 0    1       1

You can also add the original id vector and remove the freq columnd

Mydata_cluster_full$id <- id
Mydata_cluster_full$freq <- NULL

a b c d freq cluster id
0 0 1 1    1       1  1
1 0 3 1    2       2  2
1 0 3 1    2       2  3
1 1 2 0    1       2  4

If you are not unlucy, this process will reduce the amount of memory needed to compute your distance matrix to a feasible level.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/31858.html

上一篇: 构建非常大的余弦矩阵

下一篇: R距离矩阵和聚类的混合和大型数据集?