Is it legal to decompile an APK and use part of its code in your app

Is it legal to decompile an apk and use part of it's code? (more specifically: a URL connector (I haven't learned that yet)).

The rest of the app (layouts and such) is made by me. Can I publish this app without being concerned on the legal front?

Decompiling is absolutely LEGAL, regardless of what the shills say. At most, you can be sued for unauthorized activity relating to software unless you're redistributing it. Courts in the US have always upheld the right of users to know exactly what code is being installed on their systems by programs they have legitimately obtained.

People REALLY need to quit saying "ILLEGAL" unless they know what they're talking about. There is absolutely NO law in the US that states you cannot copy for private purposes or decompile software. Companies have tried to sue to stop it, but; a) that's only civil, not criminal, and therefore not ILLEGAL; and b) they've only won when the content was given to an outside party from whom the companies did not receive payment. IE the person has been shown to break the law.


If you want to know in simple words"It absolutely LEGAL decompiling apks,but it is ILLEGAL to use that code in making something identical to the original one".

You can learn from the code but who can't copy there work..(It sometimes depends on publishers Copyrights).


上一篇: 获取已安装应用的APK

下一篇: 反编译APK并在您的应用中使用部分代码是合法的