SNS topic not publishing to SQS

I am trying to prototype a distributed application using SNS and SQS.I have this topic:


and this queue:


I created the queue using the JS Scratchpad. I added the subscription using the Console. I AddPermission to the queue using the scratchpad. The queue policy is now:


I have an email subscription on the same topic and the emails arrive fine but the messages never arrive on the queue. I've tried SendMessage directly to the queue - rather than via SNS - using Scratchpad and it works fine. Any ideas why it won't send to the queue?

This was posted a while back on the AWS forums:

Then I gave the SNS topic the permission to send messages to the SQS queue. The trick here is to allow all principals. SNS doesn't send from your account ID -- it has its own account ID that it sends from.

Here's a full CloudFormation example of Skyler's answer

"MyQueue": {
  "Type": "AWS::SQS::Queue"
"QueuePolicy": {
  "Type": "AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy",
  "Properties": {
    "Queues": [
        "Ref": "MyQueue"
    "PolicyDocument": {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "allow-sns-messages",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": "*",
          "Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
          "Condition": {
            "ArnEquals": {
              "aws:SourceArn": {
                "Ref": "MyTopic"

Amazon has more options in their Sending Amazon SNS Messages to Amazon SQS Queues document.


上一篇: SNS投诉主题中未收到亚马逊SES投诉通知

下一篇: SNS主题不发布到SQS