Confirm SNS subscription on HTTP

I created an Amazon SNS Topic and added 2 subscriptions.

  • My email id which works fine after confirmation.
  • HTTP URL of an amazon ec2 instance.
  • The problem now is I cannot understand how to confirm the subscription for the HTTP URL. I cannot see the post request on the apache access.log. Do I have to look somewhere else for the message.

    I already have a rails project deployed via passenger on the server. Should I check for the post request via rails code?

    Same issue, in fact it is RAW POST, you can read it with :

    $post = file_get_contents('php://input');

    put it in your destination url, and if you want for example send it on your e-mail to see it.

    After that you can confirm :

    Source :

    EDIT : actually this is in JSON and there is an variable "SubscribeURL", copy paste in navigator and it validate the subscription !

    Edit 2 : Sorry for php, it seems in rails it is on :


    request.raw_post trying to pull data from it


    上一篇: 无法收到确认订阅请求

    下一篇: 确认HTTP上的SNS订阅