Amazon SNS bounce event is not fired

I have an issue with Amazon SES and Amazon SNS. following this doc :

Amazon SES gives you the opportunity to call an URL when some events are fired (like bounces and deliveries). In order to configure it, we need three things :

  • a valid email address
  • a valid Topic in Amazon SNS (Push Notification Service) 在这里输入图像描述
  • a valid subscription to a topic 在这里输入图像描述
  • The objective is to call the end point when sending an email to an not existant address. so I configured my email notifications like that. 在这里输入图像描述 I just linked my topic to my address. But the bounce event is never fired. (I sent an email to (which is of course an non existent email))

    I've also tried to link the topic to the delivery event, and it works like a charm (this time I send an email to my personal address), I don't understand the difference between these two events. But in delivery case all is functional.

    I configure my endpoint to In the delivery event case my URL is correctly called. In the bounce event case this same url is never called

    Do I need to configure something else in order to have bounce event ?

    Thank you for your help

    I posted some real world data on this as an answer to a similar question recently.

    Amazon will keep trying to deliver to bad domains for hours. I typically receive bad domain bounces 12-16 hours after the mail was sent. I presume this is to account for times when DNS could be temporarily down or incorrect or if a mail server is offline temporarily.

    A bounce to a "fake" email address, particularly to an apparently fake (non-existent) domain like this, could take several hours to return, since the system should be expected to retry a number of times before giving up. You should eventually see these come in, but there's a better way:

    Test against the simulator, by sending a message to, which will cause a "hard" bounce (while what you're trying is more likely to cause a "soft" bounce, at least for a few hours), and fire the notification almost immediately (without being counted against you).

    See also: the various outcomes that can occur after the email is sent.


    上一篇: SES事件序列

    下一篇: 亚马逊SNS反弹事件未被解雇