amazon SES bounce and complaint configuration

I don't receive any bounce and complaint notification, when I give a wrong email id or mark the mail as spam (receiving delivery notification). But i receive a notification for amazon test simulator mail id's ? Can anyone help me out to solve this problem?

Regarding hardbounce and complaints Delay

The hardbounce and complaint notifications can get delayed. And the delay can be as long as 14 hours. Following is the sample text that we received after approx 14 hours when attempted at ddfd@sas

Remote Server returned '< #4.4.7 smtp; 554 4.4.7 Message expired: unable to deliver in 840 minutes.<421 4.4.0 Unable to lookup DNS for sas>>'

The quickest and easiest way to test hardbounces is use something very random like 'jhdfggdfgdfghaaaaa@bbbbbbbkjfghjkjfhgfgf.JJJJJJ'

Regarding complaints

You do not get the complaint notifications from all the providers, only the ones that have FBL (Feed Back Look). To know more about FBL click here

Following is an extract from that page

Do all ISPs support feedback loops? Unfortunately, no. If you are curious, review the Word to the Wise Delivery Wiki for a relatively up-to-date list.

The quickest and easiest way to test complaints is use @yahoo domain. We found that we get spam notifications from them pretty quickly


上一篇: Amazon SNS签名验证不起作用

下一篇: 亚马逊SES反弹和投诉配置