Customizing the unsubscribe URL in Amazon SNS messages

When Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) sends an email notification, it puts an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the message. The link points to and it says that for any support the subscriber must contact "".

This can cause confusion for end users who receive the notifications because they would expect to get the notification from the software or web site that they know and use and not from Amazon.

Is there a way to customize the "Unsubscribe" message and link of an Amazon SNS message?

No, they can't be customized. If you want to control the experience better, best to roll your own solution (which can still run on AWS), but not use the SNS generated emails...


上一篇: 亚马逊SES反弹/投诉处理

下一篇: 在Amazon SNS消息中自定义取消预订URL