AWS Sns publish silently dies when device is disabled?

I am hitting a strange error when I attempt to call $sns->publish (PHP) - it never returns, I am not sure if it dies silently, but I could not catch an exception or get a return code. I was able to track this down to happen when device for the token (endpoint) appears to be already disabled in the SNS console. It gets disabled on the initial call, I would assume due to the error returned by GCM that token is invalid. What am I doing wrong and how can I prevent the problem? I do not want to check every endpoint for being enabled since I may be pushing to 10 out of 1000. However I definitely want to continue executing my push loop. Any thoughts? AWS team forum seems useless, it has been weeks since original reply by AWS team member asking for code with not response since that time.

you can check if the endpoint is disabled before sending push notification as -

$arn_code = ARN_CODE_HERE;
$arn_arr = array("EndpointArn"=>$arn_code);
$endpointAtt = $sns->getEndpointAttributes($arn_arr);
if($endpointAtt != 'failed' && $endpointAtt['Attributes']['Enabled'] != 'false')
     ....PUBLISH CODE HERE....

It will not stop the execution. Hope it will help you.


上一篇: AWS SNS发布到订阅的Lambda函数会记录空字段

下一篇: 当设备被禁用时,AWS Sns会无声地发布吗?