Cannot set non test device for Admob

I want to check that non test ads are displayed in my app, (as far as I know this doesn't violate AdMob & AdSense policies Invalid click policies, although it's true that one extra impression would be counted, I seriously doubt that this can be considered as inflating impressions under any reasonable standard, anyway if it were the case I'd like to know).

I've already registered in Admob and I've gotten an App ID and an Ad unit ID for my app and if I set code this way:

        MobileAds.initialize(this,  myappId);

        this.interstitialAds = new InterstitialAd(this);


        this.interstitialAds.setAdListener(new AdListener() 
            [some more code]

        AdRequest adr = new AdRequest.Builder()


I get to have a test ad loaded into my app, as it's logical, as device is set as a test device.

It looks logical from my point of view that the device should act not as a TestDevice and display a real ad just my removing .addTestDevice(myTestDevice), but if I do that what I get is logcat informing me that I should addTestDevice exactly with that myTestDevice id.

So that would be leave me with an app, that could just work by showing sample ads or not showing the ad, which obviously isn't desired.

It doesn't look that any of the other methods that AdRequest offers can help.

Is there some extra thing to be done so the device can be used as a non-test device?


上一篇: admob广告单元ID中的“/”和“:”混淆

下一篇: 无法为Admob设置非测试设备