Start a new site on port 80

I created a sample demo site in ruby on rails and deployed it on the server. Currently I am using phusion passenger as the app server. I can see it by giving address as . But instead of port 3000 , I have to use port 80 . I used the following command to start the app server and the site can be accessed as .

rvmsudo rails server -p 80

I have to configure phusion passenger with nginx. I did it this way. But when I tired to access the site, but I got the nginx index page. The nginx was started on port 80 .

How can I use nginx and phusion passenger and start the app on port 80 ? I tried to start nginx on port 8080 and passenger on port 80 , but my nginx is not starting on port 8080 .


上一篇: Rails 4服务器通过web url上的端口号来打开该站点

下一篇: 在端口80上启动一个新站点