Link not completely clickable

A part of a link is not clickable. Nothing is on top of it. You can even select the text but not being treated as a link. I checked in Firefox and it's working properly. Just in Chrome.

I attached a .gif to show what's happening.

[ 锚标签问题

I wrapped an anchor tag with h1 tag. The whole text SHOULD BE treated as a link. As the gif shows, the text is selected, which means nothing is on top of the link and yet, Chrome doesn't treat the whole text as a link.

Any idea what's happening?

Here's the html of that text

<h1 class="post-title">
  <a href="#">Vix sumo exerci, mel aeterno feugiat intellegam cu</a>

你必须给display:block给你a ,因为a在默认情况下是一个内联元素,由于某种原因,当你设置font-size:15pxaline-height:12pxh1父母也不会承认的第一部分a在Chrome中

This fixes it for me.

.post-title a {
    position: relative;

Very strange, though.


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