Getting Comments of a URL

I wanted to get the list of Facebook comments on a url. For example I have the url "" Through graph API explorer I only needed this url as the parameter "" How can I do this using the Koala gem?


To clarify the previous answer a bit... Koala's documentation states that the get_comments_for_urls method fetches the comments from fb:comments widgets for a given set of URLs (array or comma-separated string) . So this call works when there is an actual Facebook Comment Box on the page (described here:

Here's a working example with a real URL:

oauth            = Facebook::APP_ID, Facebook::SECRET
app_access_token = oauth.get_app_access_token
graph            = app_access_token
urls             = ['']
comments         = graph.get_comments_for_urls(urls)

Note that the app access token is different from the app id and secret specified in your app configuration on Facebook's developer site.

I think Koala doesn't make this as intuitive as possible, because it requires an access token - unlike accessing the Graph API directly. Also, it seems to require an array of URLs.

urls     = [""]
graph    =
comments = graph.get_comments_for_urls(urls)

上一篇: 考拉Facebook事件api

下一篇: 获取URL的评论