dc Charts not interacting with each other (with crossfilter on server side)
I'm pretty new to crossfilter and dc, currently trying to build interactive dashboard with them. The data I have would easily go up to around 200MB and my browser would just crash when I do the crossfilter on the client side, so after some search online I decided to run crossfilter on the server and dc for charting on client side, and I'm following the work here dc.js-server-side-crossfilter However, the dc charts are not interacting with each other.
So from what I understand the basic components are, server-side app.js handles Ajax calls sent from the client-side app.js, and perform required filtering then send the dimension and groups in JSON format back to the client-side, then we will create fake dimensions and groups and feed them into dc chart, then each user clicks/drag on the chart will then again create another Ajax call, the whole process repeats again.
Here I post the important parts in somewhat pseudo-code as the original is messy to look at,
Server-side app.js
var app = express();
// define variables that will get passed
var dimensions = {};
var groups = {};
// handle the ajax call coming from client-side
app.get("/refresh", function(req, res, next){
var results = {};
filter = req.query["filter"] ? JSON.parse(req.query["filter"]) : {}
for(group_i in groups){
var group = groups[group_i];
results[group_i]= {values:group.all(),
top: group.top(1)[0].value,
// send result back in JSON
res.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'application/json' });
load data into memory {
// do crossfiltering
var cf = crossfilter(data);
// dimensions
var dateDim = cf.dimension(function(d) {return d['timestamp'];});
var typeDim = cf.dimension(function(d) {return d['destination_type'];});
// groups
var numByDate = dateDim.group();
var numByType = typeDim.group();
// put these dimensions and groups into corresponding variables
dimensions.dateDim = dateDim;
dimensions.typeDim = typeDim;
groups.numByDate = numByDate;
groups.numByType = numByType;
Client side app.js
var timeChart = dc.barChart("#pvs-time-chart");
var filteredData = {};
var queryFilter = {};
var refresh = function(queryFilter){
// make ajax call
d3.json("/refresh?filter="+JSON.stringify(queryFilter), function(d){
filteredData = d;
var fakeDateDim = {
filter: function(f){
filterAll: function(){
var fakeNumByDate = {
all: function(){
var dateFormat = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");
filteredData["numByDate"].values.forEach(function (d) {
d['key'] = dateFormat.parse(d['key']);
catch(err) {
// console.log(err);
return filteredData["numByDate"].values;
order: function(){
top: function(){
// Make charts
.margins({top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 50})
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([minDate, maxDate]))
.filterHandler(function(dimension, filters){
if (filters) {
else {
return filters;
// Similarly for typeChart
var typeChart = dc.rowChart("#dest-type-row-chart");
function init(){
d3.json("/refresh?filter={}", function(err, d){
filteredData = d;
I'm really stuck with why these two charts are not interacting with each other, any suggestions? (My apologies if they are obvious things)
Edit :
The data is loaded from a mongodb database.
The two plots are all shown correctly, so I don't think there is issue with the data itself and how they are grouped.
There are no errors being thrown. Server side debug shows (with each user click/drag):
GET /refresh?filter={%22dateDim%22:[[%222017-08-13T21:10:30.937Z%22,%222017-
[%22Player%22,%22Schedule%22,%22Other%22,%22Game%20Stats%22]} 200 8.333 ms -
client side has no error shown.
The issue is, when you create two dc charts on selected dimensions and groups, they are supposed to interact/change according to the user action on either one of the two charts, but the way it's set up now, user action (clicks/drag) on either of the chart does not trigger the change to the other chart at all, the bar chart can still be clicked but nothing changes.
Related links I have also checked out:
Using dc.js on the clientside with crossfilter on the server
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/32710.html上一篇: 在dc.js中的系列折线图