Single bar stacked chart in DC

I am trying to populate a single column stacked bar chart. It is just a sum of one value stacked over the other ie the sum of 'LB' experiments stacked over the 'Random' experiments.

Since I need to give a dimension value to the chart I have assumed a Dim variable with 1 as its value for both lb and random.

I am getting the above described data using the following code:

d3.csv("file:///D:/Optus/LARS T&L/Dashboard/html/dummy2.csv",function(error, experiments) {   
var ndx                 = crossfilter(experiments),
rDim        = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.Dim;});

var lb ={return d.LBRandom=="LB"?d.Contacted:0;});
var ran ={return d.LBRandom=="Random"?d.Contacted:0;});

Although when I am trying to plot this data, the browser only displays the the axis and no data is plotted:

Code for plotting:


Can anyone help me out with this? It's my 1st day working with d3, dc & crossfilters libraries. Thanks!


上一篇: 交互式图表(由dc.js)没有正确更新对方

下一篇: 直流单杆堆积图