gulp: browserify/babelify build script, unexpected token

I am currently trying to enhance my ReactJS application by adding I installed it via npm install input-moment --save and I am importing it using import InputMoment from 'input-moment' .

But it seems that my custom build script does not compile it, but tries to source the react-style version directly. [edit: Noticed by compile error "unexpected token" on React-style html tags)]

Can you help me fix my build script, so including un-transformed files works, too?

Here's my gulpfile.js:

// TODO: Get this to work.

var gulp       = require('gulp');
var source     = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var babelify   = require('babelify');
var watchify   = require('watchify');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var streamify  = require('gulp-streamify');
var uglify     = require('gulp-uglify');
var sass       = require('gulp-sass');
var gutil      = require('gulp-util');
var notify     = require('gulp-notify');

function handleErrors() {
    var args =;
        title: 'Compile Error',
        message: '<%= error.message %>'
    }).apply(this, args);
    this.emit('end'); // Keep gulp from hanging on this task

function buildScript(file, watch) {
    var props = {
        entries: ['./app/'+file],
        debug: true,
        transform:  [babelify],
        cache: {},
        packageCache: {},
        fullPaths: true

    // watchify() if watch requested, otherwise run browserify() once
    var bundler = watch ? watchify(browserify(props)) : browserify(props);

    function rebundle() {
        var stream = bundler.bundle();
        return stream
            .on('error', handleErrors)
            // .pipe(streamify(uglify()))

    // listen for an update and run rebundle
    bundler.on('update', function() {
        gutil.log('Rebundle ...');

    // run it once the first time buildScript is called
    return rebundle();

gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return buildScript('app.jsx', true);

gulp.task('sass', function () {
        .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}).on('error', sass.logError))

gulp.task('sass:watch', function () {'./assets/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);

gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'sass', 'sass:watch']);

Additionally, I'm using the following .babelrc:

  "presets": ["es2015", "react"],
  "plugins": [

So far it worked fine and I have a lot of modules running, but this is the first that seems to be uncompiled in node_modules.


上一篇: Babel 6反应JSX变压器

下一篇: gulp:browserify / babelify构建脚本,意外的令牌